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Welcome to the Holiday #HBG! This year, let the Holidays be YOUR best time of the year! Here's what you'll receive with the Holiday #HBG Goal Setting and Daily ACCOUNTABILITY, SUPPORT, AND HOLIDAY CHEER Simple Meal Plans with seasonal recipes, as well as a suggested list of easy to find food and affordable ingredients, that’ll reduce unbearable cravings. Highly effective and easy to follow workout Plans Via my Erica Brawner #HBG Fitness App. My #HBG workouts are designed to ignite your metabolism and BURN calories!!! AND, workout with me, with Facebook LIVE Festive Fireside Workouts All within an exclusive private Facebook group (100% Free GIFT), where I’ll guide you with daily motivation, answer ALL of your questions before and during our time together. That means you’ll have direct access to myself AND a few special guests, with interviews to INSPIRE, motivate and keep you focused. ALL with other like-minded Woman who’ll support YOU! Let's ring in 2019 together, Feeling GREAT and Looking FABULOUS!


About Erica

Hi! I’M ERICA BRAWNER. I help busy, successful woman like you, who want to feel and look their absolute best. I’m here to help you fit yourself back into your busy life, so you can fit into anything you want (and feel amazing). My Healthy Body Guide, provides easy to follow exercise plans designed to compliment your current schedule instead of rearrange it. You’ll never have to skip or stress out about a workout again! The plans are all designed to be done either in your home OR a gym! It's time for you to look tighter and feel brighter for good. Are you ready to get in the best shape of your life and join hundreds of women already in the #HGB community?


About Erica

Hi! I’M ERICA BRAWNER. I help busy, successful woman like you, who want to feel and look their absolute best. I’m here to help you fit yourself back into your busy life, so you can fit into anything you want (and feel amazing). My Healthy Body Guide, provides easy to follow exercise plans designed to compliment your current schedule instead of rearrange it. You’ll never have to skip or stress out about a workout again! The plans are all designed to be done either in your home OR a gym! It's time for you to look tighter and feel brighter for good. Are you ready to get in the best shape of your life and join hundreds of women already in the #HGB community?